Fast Floor Alpha Hemihydrate Screed Boosts UFH Performance at Cork Passive House
Fast Floor
Great article in the latest edition, Passive House Plus magazine.
“A liquid screed installed 3 years ago at a passive house in Cork has been performing superbly, according to its architect, enabling the A1 rated home to be heated quickly and evenly via underfloor heating when required.
Designed by Wain Morehead Architects, Wayside passive house was finished in 2016. Built from externally insulated blockwork, featuring a solid oak floor with 50mm Fast Floor Screed Alpha Hemihydrate screed and insulation below.
The screed was poured onto UFH pipes that distribute heat from a Nilan combined heat pump & ventilation system. Architect John Morehead told Passive House that, when he returned to the house recently with a thermal imaging camera, he was hugely impressed both at how quickly the floor heated up, and how even the distribution of heat in the floor appeared to be.
“It seemed to have an incredibly quick response time,” Morehead said. “I didn’t expect it to be that quick.” He also said that the warm temperature seemed to be very evenly distributed over the whole floor. “It’s quite a thin floor, and it’s on a whack of insulation, so one would expect it to be responsive — but credit where credit’s due, it seemed very responsive.”
For more info on Fast Floor Screed suitable with UFH which gives these spectacular results.