Floor Screed for Shops & Superstores
If you require a new Self Levelling Floor Screed for a commercial building; shop, superstore, shopping centre, retail warehouse, or simply need a smoothing compound to repair or renovate an existing commercial floor, we at Fast Floor Screed Ltd have a Floor Screed solution to suit your flooring needs.
If you need Fast Track Floor levelling or floor renovation for a shop or commercial building
Shops & Superstores usually require a tiled, linoleum or resin floor covering. To install this the structural sub-floor requires levelling to excellent tolerances, fast application and fast drying times, preferably within one week or hours of application, enabling the store to open quickly to the public again.
Fast Floor Screed Ltd have a Floor Solution to these exact requirements:
2 – 30 mm liquid cementitious self-levelling screeds which can be covered in 48 hours
20 – 60mm liquid cementitious self-levelling screeds which can be covered in 4 days
Application is extremely fast – applied at 500 m2Â per day and walkable in 6 hours
Our Alpha Hemihydrate Screed’s advanced composition means that it reacts quickly with water, providing consistent, reliable drying characteristics and considerably faster drying times, enabling following trades to proceed without delay.  This has the advantage of ensuring your project completes in a timely manner, ready for floor coverings – offering the architect or designer flexibility.
A further advantage is there is usually no need for a Damp Proof Membrane!
It lays smoothly and provides a superb finish ready for floor covering
Our Alpha Hemihydrate Screed’s easy workability means that it mixes and flows smoothly, with none of the inconsistencies that are inherent in synthetic Anhydrite Screeds. We only use, German-made, CASEA Südanit 280 Alpha Hemihydrate Screed; which is stable and does not segregate –  there is no surface skin formation as there is with synthetic Anhydrite.  The fully dried floor Screed should be covered with a floor finish such as tiles, linoleum, parquet, cork or carpet.
Using our Flooring Solution means less finishing and fewer joints
Consistent drying and smooth laying mean no finishing before final floor coverings are laid and there’s no need for additional smoothing compounds.
What about re-levelling or simply renovating the existing shop floor?
We supply and fit a range of renovation and levelling Screed products that can be applied bonded, unbonded and floating. Ideally suited for applications such as:
- Levelling existing concrete floors, as a bonded application 2 – 60 mm
- Levelling or covering existing floors where residues of old carpet glue, tiles, paint etc. are present in a unbounded application, i.e. onto PU sheeting, acoustic or thermal insulation
- Creating a solid floor over an existing timber floor, for example in case of renovating a bathroom or any room on a first floor
 Please contact Fast Floor Screed Ltd to discuss your requirements – new floor, floor levelling in your shop or superstore.  Our professional team of experts will offer you a sound cost effective solution.
Click Fast Floor Screed Ltd Mobile Screed Factory to watch a video demo on Screed placement:
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